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- Boswell High School
Boswell High School
Multiple rennovations have been made at Boswell High School. The agriculture science building, roughly 6,600 square-feet, includes two classrooms, a shop for welding and woodworking, staff offices, and restrooms. Additionally, the old turfroom at BHS was renovated to accommodate this season’s sports. This space was remodeled to include coaching offices, a locker room, and trainers’ room. These spaces were previously located in the main campus. The weight room was upgraded, too.
January 24, 2022 Update:
- Netting installation and punch items continue in the turf room.
- Visitor ticket booth is near completion.
December 2021 Update:
Netting installation, dividers, ceiling protection, and batting cages in progress.
Area C is dried in, and stone installation on south end of building is in progress.
November 2021 Update:
- The turf room interior logo has been installed in the new stadium. The north wall construction still continues. Landscaping continues to be planted.
September 2021 Update:
- The landscape is in progress. Grandstands still need brick wall and numerous glass panels.
- Older handrails have been sand blasted, primed, and a gray finish applied to smooth out the railings. Fencing around grandstand continues to progress.
- The bus parking lot has been striped and is ready for buses. Work continues in the pressbox.
- Hellas has started the interior turf installation. The brick has been completed and cleaned on the turf room.
- Work continues on the monument sign.
August 2021 Update:
- Coaches parking area is receiving the final grade in preparation for concrete pour. Interior of the turf room roof construction is complete. Painting of the metal structure is in progress.
- Grandstand and pressbox is progressing to be completed before the first home game.
- Wood floors in the Newcom Gym and West Gym have been sanded and resurfaced.
- The make-over of the gymnastics area is complete.
- Weight room and offices have been furnished. Punch list items are ongoing.
July 2021 Update:
- Main grandstand structure is in progress.
- Workers continue to lay brick on the west, south, and north sides of the pressbox.
- Visitor’s bleachers main concourse retaining wall has been poured. Bleachers are scheduled to arrive on August 2. Construction, with good weather, should only take three weeks.
- Views from the pressbox show the main field and new weight room area.
- Pressbox construction continues with rough-in electrical, insulation, and sheetrock.
- Main walkway between the field and dressing rooms is progressing.
June 2021 Update:
- Stadium grandstand is scheduled for arrival on July 2, 2021
- Stadium masonry columns have been completed
- Concrete flatwork needs to be completed before granstand installation
- Metal studs are on backorder due to supply issues
- Light poles have arrived on site and visitor bleacher pier drilling has resumed; must be compelted by June 16, 2021
- CMU block work is near completion on the visitor's side ticket booth
- Wall tile work in shower rooms have been completed
- Interior renovation of the gymnastics area includes expanding the storage areas, public restrooms, new locker rooms and lockers, new offices, fire sprinkler installed, LED lighting and painting
April 2021 Update:
- Stadium
- CMU blocks have been completed for the press box and restrooms. Steel has been installed on levels 1, 2, and 3.
- Storage area concrete is in the process of being poured. A new concession stand, CMU block, and door jams are in place. Demolition of the visitor’s stands has begun.
- Structural framing on the turf room continues and will be completed within the next week.
- HVAC duct work is in the process of being installed in the weight room.
- Installation of the glass in the weight room started.
- This is last structural beam to be installed and was autographed by Boswell students.
- Roofing on the tennis pavilion has been completed.
March 2021 Update:
- Stadium
- Three towers of the CMU block are going vertical up to 50 feet.
- The main retaining wall and pier casings will support the structure on the home grandstands.
- Structural steel supports are being installed for the turf room and the weight room balcony.
February 2021 Update:
- Grandstand piers and retaining wall has been completed.
- Plumbing and electrical rough-in is in progress for the main pressbox.
- New turf room slab and CMU block work is in progress.
- Steel supports for office space and second floor conference room are in progress.
- Steel structure for main student entrance has been welded in place.
- Second floor joist and decking are being installed.
- CMU walls, rough-in plumbing, and duct work are 70% complete in the Varsity and JV locker rooms and shower area.
- Photos show new main football corridor with trophy cases.
- Gymnastics new locker room space and additional storage is progressing.
- CMU walls and second floor beams have been installed in the office area.
- The joists and beams are being installed, along with door jams, in the second story above the main hallway.
- Training room joist have been installed and CMU blocks for the office. Joist and decking are being installed in the freshman locker rooms.
January 2021 Update:
- Area C slab is completed. Area C consists of the training room, freshman football lockers, coaches’ offices, and dressing areas.
- Turf room grade beams construction is near completion. The grade beams support the steel for the pre-engineered metal building.
- Installation of the plumbing and showers in the varsity locker room is progressing.
- New CMU corridor wall between the gymnastics gym and varsity locker rooms is under construction.
- Overview of the construction site from the visitor’s stands.
December 2020 Update:
- Press box pad is being prepped.
- Dirt work between the turf room and offices are being graded.
- Plumbing is being installed for the freshman locker room.
- Walkway has been poured from the main building to the new athletic facility.
- Slab for the varsity and JVlocker room has been poured. CMU block has been delivered for wall construction.
- Slab preparations for the gymnastics offices and dressing rooms.
- Additional shortage and restroom for gymnastics area. The first row of CMU block has been laid.
- Turf room grade beam is being formed up. This is located next to the Max Newcom Gym.
November 2020 Update:
- Stadium demolition is in progress.
- Grade beams for the coaches' office and dressing rooms are being is installed.
- Slab preparations are being made for the gymnastics dressing rooms.
- Additional storage and restrooms for gymnastics area is being isntalled. The vertical wall will have cutouts to access new areas.
- New handicap ramp is being installed by the Dennis Dance and Cheer Building.
October 2020 Update:
- The first section of grade beams have been poured. The first lab pour at the gymnastics addition is scheduled for November 23.
- the grade beams for the locker room area are under construction.
September 2020 Update:
- Lanscaping is complete at the Kenneth K. Reed Agriculture Science Building.
- Drilling piers are installed at Pioneer Stadium.
August 2020 Update:
- Paving on the parking lot is ahead of schedule, striping has been completed
- Continue working on the underground utilities on main addition
- Pouring the sidewalk and installing a canopy
- Final finishes on the agriculture building, completing the agricultural punch list.
- Coaches have moved into the athletics facility. Contractors are working on the final punch items.
July 2020 Update:
- The entrance to the stadium has been expanded
- Lime stabilization of the parking lot took place
- Utility work is taking place
- Masonry is in progress at the Ag Science building
- Restroom tile work, office and classroom updates and lab finalization is taking place at the Ag Science Building.
- The locker bases and celing tiles have been installed at the athletics building.
- The old turf area with new training room, and remaining space will be organized into a weight room at the athletics building.
June 2020 Update:
- Utilities are being completed, the entrance is being expanded, and the old baseball fence has been removed.
- The Ag Science building masonry is in progress as well as framing and ductwork.
- Turf building rennovations are underway, and plumbing lines have been installed.
- Demolition is in progress and new electrical building and pathway are complete.
- There has been a parking lot, stormwater and asphalt removal.
May 2020 Update:
- Ag Science building concrete masonry blocks are progressing.
- New mechanical building progressing.
April 2020 Update:
- New electrical routing is complete.
- Slab is poured for the new tennis court.
August 2019 Update:
- Aerial view of Kenneth K. Reed Agriculture-Science Building
August 2019 Update:
- Marching field is complete for Boswell band.
- The final layer of crushed stone is being added in preparation for the turf installation at the baseball and softball fields. We anticipate completing these projects by mid September.
July 2019 Update:
- Band parking lot is being prepped.
- Turf E-layer is complete on main stadium.
- Completing E-layer on auxiliary field.
- Moisture conditioning has resumed on softball and baseball fields.
May 2019 Update:
- Work on the band parking lot is underway.
- Work is beginning on the baseball field.
- GEO fill has been delivered.

January 2022 Construction Photos
December 2021 Construction Photos
November 2021 Construction Photos
September 2021 Construction Photos
Pictured above left is the memorial sign for the BHS baseball complex. Pictured above middle is the fencing surrounding the stadium grandstand. Pictrued above left is the stadium handrails.
Pictured above left, progress continues on the turf room. Pictured above middle, the turf for the turf room will soon be laid. Pictured above right, the landscaping at the stadium is nearing completion.
Pictured above left, the lparking ines have been drawn for buses. Pictured above, construction continues for the pressbox. Pictured above right, construction workers continue work inside the pressbox.
August 2021 Construction Photos
Pictured above left is the BHS gymnastics area. Updates are completed. Pictured above middle is the coaches' parking area. Pictured above right is the Newcom gym. Wood floors have been resurfaced.
Pictured above left is the coaches' office area. Updates are completed. Pictured above middle is the stadium. Press box construction is underway. Pictured above right is the tennis court contruction progress.
Pictured above left is the construction progress of the turf room. Pictured above right is the completed weight room.
July 2021 Construction Photos
Pictured above from left are a view of the athletics building and the visitor’s bleachers main concourse retaining wall.
Pictured above from left are a view of the football field and visitor's bleachers.
Pictured above from left are the pressbox and main walkway between the field and dressing rooms.
Pictured above is the pressbox.
June 2021 Construction Photos
From left, stadium construction progresses and stadium masonry columns have been completed.
from left, concrete flatwork needs to be completed before the granstand install can begin. Bleacher pier drilling has resumed. Pictured below, wall tile work in the shower rooms has completed. -
April 2021 Construction Photos
The photos above show the stadium CMU blocks completion, visitor's stands demolition, turf room construction, and the last structural beam before being signed by students.
March 2021 Construction Photos
The photos above show construction taking place for the Boswell High School stadium.
February 2021 Construction Photos
Pictured from left show grandstand piers and retaining wall that has been completed, then the turf room slab and CMU block work that is in progress. Finally the photo to the far right shows the gymnastics new locker room space and additional storage in progress.
November 2020 Construction Photos
Stadium demolition continues at the BHS stadium. A ramp was installed near the gymnastics area.
October 2020 Construction Photos
(Left) The first section of grade beams have been poured. (Right) Grade beams for the locker room area are under construction.
September 2020 Construction Photos
(Left) The lanscaping is complete on the Kenneth K. Reed Agriculture-Science Building. (Right) Drilling piers are installed at Pioneer Stadium.
July 2020 Construction Photos
Top row: Masonry is being completed on the agriculture building. Next, a classroom is in the process of being completed. Second row: Ag building lab is being finalized. The ag building office is being completed. Bottom row: Bathroom tile is being installed in the Ag buildin. Utilities are being worked on.
May 2020 Construction Photos
Ag Science building concrete masonry blocks are progressing.