Responsive Web Design
Lost Time:
If an individual loses time beyond the day of injury they will need to contact the Risk Management Department in order to complete the necessary paperwork pertaining to time away from work.
This ensures that an individual is compensated accordingly.
An absence of five (5) or more days due to a work related injury or illness shall be designated as FMLA leave, temporary disability leave, and/or assault leave, as applicable. Please contact Kimberly Heiskell at (817) 847- 2754 or via email at, to discuss leave of absence eligibility and options.
Worker’s compensation is not a form of leave. The Workers Compensation law does not require the continuation of the District’s contribution to health insurance. Should you have any inquiries regarding benefits, please contact Jamie McNutt-Erwin at (817) 847-2978
Please refer to Policy DEC (Local) and the Employee Handbook for additional inquires