- Eagle Mountain-Saginaw Independent School District
- Forms and Information
Forms and Information
Eagle Mountain-Saginaw ISD complies with the minimum requirements established on retention schedules issued by the Texas State Library and Archives Commission listed below:
Campus and Department Long-term Storage Process
- Sort and organize records into 10” X 12” X 15” storage boxes to allow for universal storage space and ease of transport. Ensure that contents are limited to a single file type or record series as to not mix different retention periods. Each campus/department is responsible for ordering and funding their box supply.
- Complete the Records Retention Form and include all requested detailed information, including the record number, record description and record detention. Ensure the information matches the corresponding . When entering the description, please be as specific as possible. Contact Records Management with any questions regarding the retention schedules and record types.
- Email the completed form to Stephanie Marcho in the Business Office to obtain a district retention label.
- Once labels are received from Records Management via inter-office mail, affix the labels to the appropriate box(es). Please ensure the information on the box and the label match.
- Records Management will complete a work order for the box(es) to be picked up from campus.
- Be sure box(es) stay in a secure area until they are picked up by Maintenance.
Campus and Department Records Disposition Process
- Sort and organize records into 10” X 12” X 15” storage box(es) according to record type. Each campus/department is responsible for ordering and funding their box supply.
- Label each box on a short end with school year, record description, and destruction date. Be sure not to mix record types that have different retention periods.
- Complete the form.
- Ensure that all applicable fields are completed and that the record number, record description, and record retention match the corresponding . Contact Records Management with any questions regarding the retention schedules and record types.
- Email the completed form to Stephanie Marcho in Records Management for work order scheduling
- With a jumbo Sharpie, place large red “X” on the short side of the box(es).
- Records Management will complete a work order for the box(es) to be picked up from the campus.
- Be sure box(es) remain in a secured area until they are picked up by Maintenance.
Campus and Department Retrieval Process
- Send an email request to Stephanie Marcho with the description of the box or file needed. Be as specific as possible (i.e. type of record, name of student/employee, school year, etc.).
- Once retrieved, the Records and Information Management Office will notify you via email that your document, or a copy of your document, is available.
- You will sign the Records Management Control Log to pick up the document.
- Coordinate with Records Management to return the document to storage. Please note: Student records and personnel files will NOT be sent via mail or inter office mail delivery.
- The check-out log will be updated when all items have been returned.
Call Stephanie Marcho in the Business Office at 817-232-0880 for any questions or concerns.