• 1095-C Will Be Mailed By March 1, 2025

      As tax season approaches, the district will send your form 1095-C Employer-Provided Health Insurance Offer and Coverage. The Form 1095-C contains important information about the healthcare coverage offered or provided to you by the District. Information from the form may be referenced when filing your tax return. Please see below for some frequently asked questions:

      1) What does the form 1095-C look like? 

      2) When will the District send my form?

      2024 forms will be mailed no later than March 1, 2025 and will arrive via postal mail. 

      3) Why do I need the form 1095-C?

      Your 1095-C will be referenced when you complete your taxes. The form itself is not sent to the IRS, it remains with your tax documents. Therefore, you do not have to have your 1095-C in hand to complete your taxes; however, you may think of the form as "proof of insurance" for the IRS should they request it, so you should keep it with your tax forms. 

      4) How many 1095-C forms will I receive?

      You may receive form 1095-C for any company you worked for during the tax year. However, you should only receive one 1095-C per employee from the District. If both spouses are employed by the District, you may receive two forms. 

      5) What do all of these codes mean?

      A detailed explanation of each code can be found on page 2 of the form (click the link above). However, each of the below lines have a different significance:

      Part 2, Line 14 is used to report whether an offer of coverage was made to an employee for each month of the year.  

      Part 2, Line 15 is used to report your share of the lowest-cost monthly premium for self-only qualifying coverage. The amount reported on line 15 may not be the amount you paid for coverage, but the lowest option available.

      Part 2, Line 16 explains why your employer did or did not offer you coverage.

      Part 3 shows who accepted the offer and is actually covered.The box will be checked for any month that you were enrolled in coverage for at least one day.