Suggestions for Success in Dual Credit Courses

  • Dual credit courses allow you the opportunity to receive both college credit and high school credit at the same time. Dual credit courses are advanced courses and require students to demonstrate responsibility and academic ability.

    The information below provides an overview of how dual credit classes work in your high school schedule, and suggestions to help guide you toward success in your courses.

How Dual Credit Classes Work In Your High School Schedule

  • -Dual credit classes are taught by TCC faculty. Classes are offered in-person on the CTHS campus, or online (if enrollment does not meet TCC's requirement for in-person classes.) *Students taking Career and Technical dual credit classes will be taking classes at HCTC, or a TCC campus, depending on the course.

    -For ALL dual credit classes, the fall dual credit term is 8/21/23 through 12/13/23.

    - For ALL dual credit classes, the spring dual credit term is 01/16/24 through 05/9/24.

    -Dual credit classes are scheduled either 1st period, or 8th period on a student's high school schedule. (*Exception: Career and Technical dual credit courses.)

    • 1st period classes meet from 8:40 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.
    • 8th period classes meet from 3:35 p.m. to 4:55 p.m.
    • Classes DO NOT meet daily and follow TCC's class calendar. (See specific course information below.)
    • Students will need transportation to and from class, as transportation is not provided for dual credit classes.  
    • On days when dual credit classes do not meet, students will need to make arrangements to be off campus.
    • Your dual credit period is included in your high school schedule. Schedules can be accessed via Skyward.         

    *Please note, course format is subject to change from year to year. The goal is to offer each course in-person. Due to low enrollment, in-person courses may not be an option.

    Please see the class meeting times and dates for 2022/2023 courses below.

    • ENGL 1301/ENGL 1302 English 3 & English 4 for 1st year English dual credit students: Classes will meet at CTHS on Tuesdays and Thursdays in room 101. Morning classes begin at 8:40 am. Afternoon classes are 8th period until 4:55 pm. A TCC professor will be coming to CTHS to teach this course face-to-face.
    • HIST 1301/HIST 1302 US History: Classes will be online. Students will need to work on their courses at home and will need to be off campus when their dual credit class is scheduled. If you need to be on campus, please let me know.  
    • ENGL 2323/ENGL 2327 English 4 for 2nd year dual credit English students: Classes will be online. Seniors will need to work on their courses at home and will need to be off campus when their dual credit class is scheduled. If you need to be on campus, please let me know.
    • GOVT 2305 Government/ECON 2301 Economics 1st Period & 8th Period: Classes will be online. Seniors will need to work on their courses at home and will need to be off campus when their dual credit class is scheduled. If you need to be on campus, please let me know.  
    • Career & Technical Dual Credit (Auto/Computer Maintenance/Culinary Arts/Networking & Security): Students will attend class at HCTC during the time designated on the high school schedule.

Words of Wisdom

  • The suggestions below are meant to help guide you toward success in your dual credit course. Ultimately, it is the responsibility of the student to keep track of class assignments, complete assignments and exams by the set deadlines, and communicate any issues or challenges with the dual credit instructor and your school dual credit coordinator.

    1. Take your class work seriously but have fun learning! You are in a dual credit course, which means you are going to be learning in a new way. You are getting a head start to a college degree, enjoy!

    2. Communicate with your instructor. Approach your professors with questions. Let them help you learn. Building a rapport with this individual shows them your work ethic and that you are taking ownership of your learning. Make sure you use your TCC email account for any email communication between you and your instructor.

    3. Check your email. Check your ²ÝÁñÉçÇø school email for any updates and information from the high school. Check your TCC email for important information directly from TCC. This is the number one form of communication used between you and TCC, you MUST check your email to receive important information about deadlines. Your instructors will email your TCC email account.

    4. Check your TCC Canvas account regulary. Grades for your course are loaded in your Canvas account. You also may need to submit assignments, or access coursework from Canvas. Grades are not available in Skyward.

    • If you cannot login, or need assistance with TCC systems, such as TCC Canvas, WebAdvisor, or email, you must contact TCC Tech Support.

    5. Attend class. As you know, being in class is an important key to being successful. Your professor will give you their expectation regarding attendance. The more you miss, the lower your grade!

    6. Pay attention to the syllabus. Your professor will work with you, but you must demonstrate responsibility as well. You must adhere to due dates, class meeting times, exam schedules, etc. Set reminders in your phones of important due dates or come up with a system that works for you to make sure you make the grade!

    7. If you are taking an online class, please click this link for more information on navigating online courses.