Navigating Online Classes

  • To participate in an online class through TCC, students must pass the TCC Online Readiness Assessment and meet all qualifications to enroll in courses.

    Once an online class begins, follow these guidelines to navigate the course.

    To access online classes, you must login to your TCC Canvas.

    , and login assistance, if needed. TCC Canvas is a different account than your ²ÝÁñÉçÇø account.

    Once you login to TCC Canvas, your courses will be displayed. You must click on the course name. All the course information, syllabus and assignments will be listed. You must read all directions and navigate the site to complete and upload assignments.

    Your instructor information will be visible. Please make sure you are communicating with your instructor throughout the course. You must use your TCC email (can be accessed through Hello!TCC or Canvas) to communicate with professors. They will not respond to personal emails, including ²ÝÁñÉçÇø email addresses.

    Check your grades through your Canvas account.

    Your class begins on the first day of the term. Check your Hello!TCC/MyTCCTrack account for your schedule.

    If you have issues , please contact TCC Tech Support, for 24/7 assistance. 

    DROPPING A CLASS: If it becomes necessary for you to drop a course, you must follow the instructions on the TCC website to drop your course. Dropping courses signifies to the college that you need to remove yourself from the course. You must drop courses by the drop deadline for each term. Failure to properly drop courses may result in a failing grade on both your high school and college transcript. 

    Dropping a Class:

TCC Top 8 Tips for Success in Online Learning