• Doors are open for students at 8:35am
    • All students must enter the building through the east (front) or west (back) doors of the building
    • IDs are required for being in the building
    • Please see office for information about bus drop-off locations 
    • No parking is allowed within red zones.
    • Student parking is on the stadium side of the building. 
    • Parking pass is free for the first one, and replacements or additional can be purchased for $45 at student services.


    • Doors to the academic area are locked and secured at 4:30pm
    • All students must exit the building by 4:30pm unless performing specific academic or extra-curricular tasks
    • Please see office for information about bus pick-up locations


    • All visitors, including parents, must check-in at the front office of the school.
    • Our office staff will issue you a visitor ID tag that must be worn at all times.