• Daily Schedule

    7:05 AM – Doors open. Students are free to visit the cafeteria for breakfast or go directly to their homeroom classroom. Breakfast will served from 7:05 AM – 7:20 AM.

    7:20 AM – Students arriving for breakfast after 7:20 AM will be given a sack breakfast to take to class.

    7:25 AM – Breakfast closes. 

    7:30 AM – Tardy bell rings. If a student arrives to the classroom after 7:30 AM, they will be counted tardy.

    2:15 PM – Due to end of the day procedures, please make every attempt to report ride changes before 2:15 PM. It is extremely difficult to ensure teachers receive messages after 2:15 PM. Additionally, if your child requires an early dismissal, please make every attempt to check them out before 2:15 PM.

    2:50 PM – School dismisses.

    3:05 PM – If you arrive after 2:55 PM, you will be required to sign-out your child in the office. This does not apply to students staying after school for pre-arranged tutorials or practices.

  • Arrival Procedures

    To expedite the arrival process, we have two drop-off locations. To ensure the safety of our students, please follow the procedures below:

    Front Drive (McLeroy Blvd) –

    • Lane 1 – This striped lane is located closest to the sidewalk and is blocked off with cones. Please do not drive or park in this lane. This lane is open for the students exiting the vehicles in Lane 2 to quickly and safely reach the sidewalk.
    • Lane 2 – This lane is located next to the striped lane. Students are to be dropped off in this lane. For safety purposes, we ask that all students exit on the passenger side of the vehicle. This will prevent students from having to exit the vehicle into oncoming traffic or walk between cars.
    • Lane 3 – This lane is closest to the parking spots. This lane is open for vehicles entering/exiting the parking spots or driving through the parking lot. For safety reasons, please do not allow your child to exit the vehicle in this lane.
    • If there is not a line, please pull all the way up to the front of the driveway before letting your child out.
    • Crosswalk – If you park along the curb on McLeroy or park in the parking lot, please ensure your child only crosses the driveway at the crosswalk. A staff member is stationed at the crosswalk to ensure the students cross safely.

    Back Drive (Green Street) –

    • Lane 1 – This lane is located closest to the sidewalk. Students are to be dropped off in this lane. For safety purposes, we ask that all students exit on the passenger side of the vehicle. This will prevent students from having to exit the vehicle into oncoming traffic or walk between cars.
    • Lane 2 – This lane is located closest to the street. This lane is open for vehicles driving through the driveway. For safety reasons, please do not allow your child to exit the vehicle in this lane.
    • Crosswalk – If you park along the curb on Green Street, please ensure your child only crosses the driveway at the crosswalk. A staff member is stationed at the crosswalk to ensure the students cross safely.
  • Dismissal Procedures

    • We are asking that you have a dismissal tag for each student that you are picking up at the end of the school day. This tag is required to pick up your child at dismissal. If you do not have this tag, you will be asked to go to the front office to pick up your child. Please remember to bring your driver’s license to verify identity. Here are three options to get your tag ready for dismissal pickup.

    • To expedite the dismissal process, we have three pick-up locations.

      The adult who is picking up a student must have a grade-level pick-up sign visible. If a pick-up sign is not present, then a valid ID must be shown in the office and then verified that the adult is allowed to leave with the student.


      1. Front Drive (McLeroy Blvd) –

      · Kindergarten, 1st , and 2nd grade students (and their older siblings) will be dismissed at this location.

      · For safety purposes, these grade levels will be stationed at the end of the driveway by the flagpole.

      · Lane 1 – This striped lane is located closest to the sidewalk and is blocked off with cones. Parents are not permitted to drive or park in this lane. This lane is open for students to quickly and safely enter the vehicles in Lane 2.

      · Lane 2 – This lane is located next to the striped lane. Students are to be picked up in this lane. For safety purposes, we ask that all students enter on the passenger side of the vehicle. This will prevent students from having to walk into oncoming traffic or walk between cars to enter the vehicle.

      · Lane 3 – This lane is closest to the parking spots. This lane is open for vehicles entering/exiting the parking spots or driving through the parking lot. For safety reasons, please do not allow your students to enter the vehicle in this lane.

      · There are 4 cones located after the crosswalk for loading. Please pull up to the next closest cone to expedite dismissal safely.


      2. Side Drive (Bluebonnet Street) –

      · Pre-K students will be dismissed at this location.

      · Lane 1 – This lane is located closest to the sidewalk. Students are to be picked up in this lane. For safety purposes, we ask that all students enter on the passenger side of the vehicle. This will prevent students from having to walk into oncoming traffic or walk between cars to enter the vehicle.

      · Lane 2 – This lane is located closest to the street. This lane is open for vehicles driving through the driveway. For safety reasons, please do not allow students to enter the vehicle in this lane.


      3. Back Drive (Green Street) –

      · 3rd , 4th & 5th grade students will be dismissed at this location.

      · For safety purposes, these grade levels will be stationed at the end of the driveway by the playground.

      · Lane 1 – This lane is located closest to the sidewalk. Students are to be picked up in this lane. For safety purposes, we ask that all students enter on the passenger side of the vehicle. This will prevent students from having to walk into oncoming traffic or walk between cars to enter the vehicle.

      · Lane 2 – This lane is located closest to the street. This lane is open for vehicles driving through the driveway. For safety reasons, please do not allow students to enter the vehicle in this lane.


      · Please do not park where the bus loading signs are located.

  • Visitation Guidelines

    Visitors are welcome at Saginaw Elementary. To maintain a safe and orderly learning environment for our students, please adhere to the following guidelines during school visitations. Non-compliance may result in the immediate termination of the visit. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

    • All visitors are required to check-in at the front office.
    • A valid Drivers License/I.D. Card will be required. 
    • All visitors are required to have their Visitor’s Pass visible at all times.
    • Upon completion of your visit, please return to the front office to check-out. 

    Lunch Visitations –

    • For safety purposes, visitors may not share food with other students.
    • Visitors may eat in the Cafeteria or Kindness Garden. Due to restricted line-of-sight, the courtyard across from the Kindness Garden is not available for lunch visitations.
    • To prevent hurt feelings from other students, please do not invite your child’s friends to join you in the Kindness Garden.
    • In an effort to minimize classroom distractions, please return to the front office immediately following lunch.

    Classroom Observations –

    • Parents are welcome to observe their child’s classroom.
    • If you wish to observe your child’s classroom, please arrange a date and time with your child’s teacher.
    • If you wish to speak with your child’s teacher, please arrange a conference during non-instructional times.
    • To minimize distractions, please make alternative child care arrangements for younger siblings.

    Volunteers –

    • Parents are welcome to volunteer at Saginaw Elementary.
    • All volunteers must complete the ²ÝÁñÉçÇø Volunteer Application located on the district website under the “Parents” tab.
    • To minimize distractions, please make alternative child care arrangements for younger siblings if you are volunteering in the classroom.
  • Celebrating Birthdays

    Birthdays are special! Student birthdays may be recognized in the classroom during the last 20 minutes of the school day; however, we do not hold birthday parties at school. Students may bring snacks or treats to share with classmates on their birthday. Due to food allergies, we encourage parents to send unopened store bought items with the ingredient label showing or non-food items (pencils, erasers, etc.).