• Frequently Asked Questions

    What is a TRE?
    A district that adopts a tax rate above its maximum M & O tax rate must hold a Tax Ratification Election (TRE) for the voters to ratify the higher rate. If a majority of the votes are cast in favor of the proposition, the tax rate for the current year is adopted by the Board. If the proposition is not approved, then the Board may not adopt a tax rate for the current year that exceeds the maximum rate.
    How will the TRE affect my taxes?
    No matter the outcome of the Tax Ratification Election, the tax rate for taxpayers in Eagle Mountain-Saginaw ISD will remain at $1.54 per $100 of property value. If the TRE is approved, the shift in the M & O and I & S tax rates will generate an additional $650,000 for the district. If the TRE is not approved, the tax rate will remain at $1.54 with no additional funding created.
    tax shift

    What has the district already done to reduce expenses?
    Please refer to our Financial Overview page to view our reductions since 2011 by clicking here.  

    How will this affect those over 65?
    The TRE will not affect the tax rate for those over 65.
    The ballot shows a tax rate of $1.67. Everything else I see says $1.54. Which is it?
    Based on how we are required to word the ballot, we must show the $.13 increase in the M & O rate, for a total of $1.67. However, the Board has already adopted a resolution at the June 17 Board meeting that will lower the I & S rate to $.37 should the TRE pass for a total tax rate of $1.54.
    Will taxes increase after 2013-2014?
    There are no current plans to raise taxes. A five-year budget plan was created this spring that guides our district through 2018 that maintains a tax rate of $1.54 based upon known expenditures to date. Our Board has a history of conservative financial management, and prior to the state budget cuts in 2011, our district was the only district in Tarrant County that was not at the maximum M & O tax rate.