• Private Lessons
    "Practice isn't the thing you do once you're good. It's the thing you do that MAKES you good" - Malcolm Gladwell

    Have you ever been to baseball summer camp or a dance studio?  Maybe you have taken a few Karate classes or learned how to make something in an Arts & Crafts class.  Lots of people have enjoyed swimming lessons during their life.  Did you know that all these are examples of private lessons?  Just like you, many people are involved in learning all kinds of new skills...sometimes in groups and sometimes from individuals that know a lot about the particular subject you are interested in.

    Everyone, no matter how well they play, can benefit from private lessons. 

    Lessons help you identify your strengths and weaknesses and allow you to focus on building skills that will help you become the best musician you can be.  There are several ways to learn new skills...one way is to keep trying and trying and hope to eventually figure things out.  The BETTER WAY is to get help from someone more experienced than yourself so that you can learn more quickly how to achieve your desired goals.  This saves time, money, and frustration.  Remember, EVERYONE can benefit from private lessons.

    At PV, we do our best to ensure that there is a qualified, professional teacher for every instrument.  We do our best to ensure that any of our students who want to take lessons may do so. 

    Each teacher sets up his or her own schedule and they are your best contact in order to set up private lessons quickly.  We do also have lesson forms in the band hall---feel free to ask a band director for more information.
    Cost $19 per half hour of lesson
    When?  Up to you and the teacher--before, after and even during school hours available
    Criminal Record Check - All our lesson teachers are required by EMS-ISD to complete a yearly criminal records check before offering lessons.   Private teachers have also been fingerprinted prior to starting work at Prairie Vista.
    Student Expectations in the lesson program
    1. Be on time.  All private teachers are on a very tight schedule.  They have lots of students and do a good bit of travel between schools.  It is difficult to make up missed lessons.
    2. Be prepared.  Practice your assignments ahead of time so that you can progress from lesson to lesson more quickly.  Private lessons are not practiced time.  Private lessons are the time to learn new skills.
    3. Be current on payment.  Our lesson teachers count on your payment as a major source of their income.
    4. Be respectful and ready to take on new challenges.  Your teacher will expose you to many new ideas and challenges.  Embrace these important lessons and you may become a great player.
    5. Have good attendance.  Don’t waste precious one-on-one time with a great musician. Get the most out of every lesson.