- Eagle Mountain-Saginaw Independent School District
- Weather Guidelines
The LiiNK Project™
Weather Information & Questions Answered
LiiNK schools attend four 15-minute outdoor recesses daily as long as it is safe to do so.
What are the benefits of being outside in different outdoor temperatures and weather conditions?
- Improved immune system (better able to fight external & internal pathogens)
- Production of natural hormone D3 from the sun
- D3 boosts immune system function and prevents the ability of acute diseases such as bronchitis, colds, flu, joint pain, headaches from attacking the body and, over time, becoming chronic diseases such as asthma, arthritis, & migraines
- Become more relaxed and less stressed through a parasympathetic response
- Improved cognitive function
- Improved emotional well-being
- Become more hardy and resilient
Why do children go outside during the winter when it’s below freezing or during the summer on hot days?
- The CDC & National Weather Service has determined it is safe to be outside for 20minutes or less in temperatures ranging from 13° F (with wind chill factored in) to 103° F (humidity and ozone factored in).
- Research shows that children can be outdoors without extra clothing in those lower temperatures and will not develop frost bite or other harmful skin issues (LiiNK guidelines suggest dressing children warmly).
- The body’s organs (digestion, kidneys, breathing, heart) learn to adapt in many conditions.
Won’t the children get sick?
- Children’s immune systems become more fragile and sensitive as a result of limited outdoor time.
- With four 15-minute recesses daily, children’s immune systems are becoming stronger.
- Cold weather does not cause the illnesses that children succumb to.
- Children get sick when their immune systems are not healthy enough to fight the bacteria and germs they come in contact with.
What if my child is sick?
- If your child has a fever, he or she should not be at school.
- If your child is getting over a sickness, follow the school policies for doctor’s or parent notes for a child to remain inside. It is possible to do so.
- If your child is still sick with nasal, chest, or lung congestion and there are extreme temperatures, again, follow the school policies for remaining inside.
How can I make sure my child is best prepared for recess?
- A good rule of thumb is to dress your child like he or she is going to walk to school.
- During cold months, if possible, please send your child with a jacket, gloves, and headwear to cover ears.
- If possible, please send a water bottle with your child to stay plenty hydrated.
When do the children have indoor recess?
- When it is unsafe to be outdoors (<13°F or >103° F)
- When it is thundering & lightning
- When it is raining too hard and the playground is unsafe
I would like to know more. What are some helpful resources?
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- National Weather Service
- LiiNK Weather Guidelines
- Richard Louv: “Nature-Deficit Disorder”
*Students will not go outdoors for recess when either the actual or feels like temperature falls below 40 degrees and it is actively raining.
Winter Weather Guidelines
If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.
Winter Weather - Spanish
If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.
Summer Weather Guidelines
If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.