• Dress Code

    Our dress code includes clothes and shoes that are safe and comfortable for learning and playing.  Please do not send your child to school wearing halter tops, tops with spaghetti straps, or tube tops. Shorts and skirts should be long enough to completely cover undergarments during active movement. Children may not wear flip-flops or shoes with high heels. These shoes are not designed for active play.  Athletic shoes are best for running, jumping and climbing on the playground.  If children wear shoes that are unsafe for play, they will not be allowed to play during recess. 

  • Snacks

    We have several students with severe allergies to peanuts and tree nuts.  These allergies are potentially life-threatening. Products that contain nuts may not be brought to school.  This includes peanuts, peanut butter, trail mix with nuts, etc. Call the school nurse for more information. Thank you for your cooperation.

    Your child should bring a snack each day. Snacks must be nutritious foods such as pretzels, crackers, fruit, etc. No candy, cakes, or other sweet treats. Snacks should not need to be refrigerated or heated. Please do not send a drink. Children will be provided with water at snack time. REMEMBER: NO FOODS THAT CONTAIN NUTS 

    Hafley Development Center is a nut free zone.  
    No nuts of any kind are allowed on campus.

  • Breakfast/Lunch

    Parents are welcome to eat with their child. Parents and siblings may NOT eat from student trays. You may stay with your child while they eat; there is a parent/student table. If parents are not staying with their child, the student will sit at their class table with their classmates.

  • Communication

    Please check your child’s backpack each day for information from the teacher.  

  • Early Dismissal

    If you pick up your child early, you will be asked to complete a form in the office. Proper identification will be required. The classroom will be called and a staff member will bring your child to the office.   

    Thank you for helping us make our campus a safe place for your child to learn.

  • Attendance and Tardies

    Students are expected to be at school each day. If your child must be absent, please send a note stating the reason for his/her absence. 

  • Visitors

    Parents who want to visit the classroom must make arrangements in advance with the principal. 

    School visits may not disrupt the learning atmosphere. If you plan to visit the classroom, please make advance arrangements with the school principal. You must check in at the office to receive a visitor sticker. You will be asked for proper identification (driver’s license, etc.). Visitors to the classroom must be listed on the student’s enrollment card. If you do not have proper identification, you may not be allowed access to the classroom. This policy is for the safety of the children. Always bring proper identification.